Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
>>>>> "Franz" == Franz Haeuslschmid
<fha...(a)> writes:
Franz> Gnus shows some header values using an italic font. At
Franz> this point, it stroke me that the left side of the upper
Franz> half of some characters seemed to be cut.
That's "right" side. Good thing you included the PNGs! :-)
Uh, I must be a left/right dyslexic.
X fonts don't specify italic corrections, and these italic fonts
writing outside of their nominal bounding boxes. Not much we can do
about that in the context of the current redisplay engine, I'm afraid.
I'm on MS Windows here. Is the explanation above valid, too?
As a workaround, I suggest that you try a different font, even the
"same" family from a different foundry.
On my system, XEmacs Beta recently uses a different default font
than previous versions or the stable XEmacs used to. I set it
from `Lucida Console' to `Courier New' by manoeuvring through the
options menu. The section of `custom.el' that handles
`custom-set-faces' now looks like
| (custom-set-faces
| '(default ((t (:size "10pt" :family "Courier New"))) t)
| '(font-latex-title-1-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground
"blue4" :family "helvetica" :bold t))))
| '(font-latex-title-2-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground
"blue4" :family "helvetica" :bold t))))
| '(font-latex-title-3-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground
"blue4" :family "helvetica" :bold t)))))
Normal text is now drawn using `Courier New'. However, text set
in a bold and/or italic environment still use another font and I
assume that it is the old default, `Lucida Console'.
Franz Häuslschmid.