>>>> "CGW" == Charles G Waldman <Charles>
CGW> Georg Nikodym writes:
> Wow. The cool thing about days off is that you get to dork around
> with whatever catches your eye.
> Today, I started using eshell instead of the traditional shell.
> Initially, I wasn't that impressed, but when I first typed "grep
> net_device *.[ch]" into it and it magically became a M-x grep
> invocation I fell in love (cause I'm forever typing into the shell
> and then realizing after the fact that I probably wanted something
> more sophisticated).
CGW> I achieve similar results with a bunch of bash functions which
CGW> alias certain commands to "gnuclient" invocations.
Hmm. Very cool. Which opens up a problem with eshell. You cannot
type more complex shell things at it (like a function definition).
Maybe I'll do this instead (I used to have such problems with
gnuclient when I was at Sun that it stopped occurring to me as tool
with which to solve this class of problem).