On Fri, 2002-07-12 at 22:14, Klaus Thiel wrote:
I can read my mail from my pop/smtp-server
but when I send an email using VM 6.75 (under Xemacs 21.1), via smtp, VM
seems to connect my smtp-server and starts sending something. However VM
comes to a standstill leaving the following message in the echo-area :
I would be very grateful if someone could help me solving this
Klaus, before trying anything else I'd suggest that you'd upgrade your
VM package, current version is 7.07, and try if you can reproduce the
problem with it. Also, trying with the current gamma branch XEmacs,
currently 21.4.8 could be helpful.
If you still see the problem, see the bug reporting instructions at
http://www.xemacs.org/Debug/index.html#ReportingBugs> and report the
bug again; doing it the way described there will give us more needed
information for hunting down problems.
For instructions about updating the packages, see
\/ille Skyttä