Julian Bradfield writes:
(Load a 45MB VM folder,
I regularly do that. So it's not just size, but size (I would guess)
plus something folder-specific.
wait a while, and some time later VM does something and then GC
happens and crashes.)
As you point out later, that's presumably a problem with stack depth
being exceeded. However, we'd like to know why VM or GC is using so
much stack. If you don't get a Lisp backtrace, or you don't trust the
one you're seeing, try
$ gdb xemacs
(gdb) run
# provoke crash
(gdb) source xemacs-sources/src/.gdbinit # if you aren't in src/
(gdb) lbt
That should tell us what VM was up to at the time. It's possible that
GC has its shorts in a (Moebius) knot; do the last few of those stack
frames seem to be going in circles?
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