* "MB" == Martin Buchholz <martin(a)xemacs.org> writes:
>>Try using :pserver:, not :ext:, for your read-only CVS
>>Try rm -rf skk/etc before doing the cvs update.
>>If nothing else works, you can omit the skk directory.
Michael> Thanks, Martin. Switching to pserver in the mule directory has helped
Michael> somewhat (at least, with downloading) However, this is very inconvenient.
Why is that? I use pserver for read-only CVS and ext for write CVS
stuff with no problems at all.
Michael> The real problems came when I then ran "make all" in the
Michael> xemacs-packages directory and got lots of errors. Some of
Michael> them seem, indeed, to be errors. For instance,
MB> Paging Steve Youngs...
I missed the previous post (and it hasn't shown up on
www.xemacs.org/list-archives yet). Could you please send me the
errors you are getting.
Michael> Worst of all, when I start xemacs after that it fails to recognize the
Michael> packages in xemacs-packages, even though I have a symbolic link
Michael> from xemacs/xemacs-packages to the xemacs-packages directory, which is a
Michael> CVS copy of that module.
I think for what you are trying to do you should be linking to the
STAGING directory.
|---<Regards, Steve Youngs>-----------[GnuPG KeyID: 59E4C4B2]---|
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