I'm currently using SUSE 10.0 (commercial version) xemacs (version
info: [version 21.5.21 of February 2005 (+CVS-20050720)] ).
I can easily crash it using the attached 'custom.el'
Open a file (F3): foo.cc (it goes into c++-mode and font-lock-mode)
Write: #include<iostream
When type the closing '>' it crashes.
I've experimented a bit, and it looks like it has something to do with
the 'font-lock-mode'. If it is not enable at start-up (commenting out
the 'load "font-lock"') it is not happening
The output trace is attached too. I can't send you a core because I
have only a modem. But you can do one on your own.
I've tested this on several diffent machines (all running SUSE
10.0). The result can be reproduced.