>>>> "John" == John A Turner
<turner(a)blueskystudios.com> writes:
>>>> "MS" == Michael Sperber
MS> I'm sorry, but I don't see the backtrace, only this tag:
John> [ATTACHMENT ~/lisp_backtrace, application/octet-stream]
John> sorry, let's try this again...
John> Lisp backtrace follows:
John> # (unwind-protect ...)
John> accept-process-output(#<process "*ftp anonymous(a)ftp.mozilla.org*"
pid 10133 state:run>)
So, erhm, *is* there process output at this point? I.e. has the ls
completed and is there a prompt?
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla