sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
You need to be a little bit more precise as to what exactly your
problem is. The JDE byte-compiles and runs just fine out here. The
dependencies were difficult to get right, as Andy pointed out, and
eieio.el can't be byte-compiled, but that was about the only problem I
Of course you're right. I should have given some examples. So here are
a couple of backtraces. I get these errors the first time these
functions are called (later results seem pretty unpredictable).
Running jde-complete-at-point:
Signaling: (invalid-function (macro . #<compiled-function (&rest body)
"...(33)" [if (and (eq system-type (quote windows-nt)) (not jde-xemacsp))
(boundp (quote win32-start-process-show-window)) let ((save
win32-start-process-show-window)) (setq win32-start-process-show-window t) append body
((setq win32-start-process-show-window save)) ((save w32-start-process-show-window)) (setq
w32-start-process-show-window t) ((setq w32-start-process-show-window save))] 11
("/dan/.xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/jde/jde-run.elc" . 14129)>))
save-w32-show-window("Starting the BeanShell. Please wait..." #<buffer
bsh-eval("{ String[] lst = new String[5];\nlst[0]=\"afvgrafservlet.\";\n
lst[1]=\"java.util.\";\n lst[2]=\"java.net.\";\n
#<compiled-function nil "...(118)" [jde-complete-current-list markerp
jde-complete-current-beginning jde-complete-current-end marker-position last-command
this-command jde-complete-complete-cycle jde-complete-java-variable-at-point pair nil
vtype classinfo fulllist jde-parse-declared-type-of jde-complete-get-classinfo
jde-complete-build-completion-list jde-complete-find-all-completions -1
jde-complete-current-list-index message format "Can't find any declaration for
`%s'!" "No completion at this point."] 5
("/dan/.xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/jde/jde-complete.elc" . 7554) nil>()
Running jde-debug:
Signaling: (invalid-function (macro . #<compiled-function (&rest body)
"...(33)" [if (and (eq system-type (quote windows-nt)) (not jde-xemacsp))
(boundp (quote win32-start-process-show-window)) let ((save
win32-start-process-show-window)) (setq win32-start-process-show-window t) append body
((setq win32-start-process-show-window save)) ((save w32-start-process-show-window)) (setq
w32-start-process-show-window t) ((setq w32-start-process-show-window save))] 11
("/dan/.xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/jde/jde-run.elc" . 14129)>))
save-w32-show-window(#<buffer "*JDEbug*"> #<process
"*JDEbug*" pid 3094 state:run> #<process "*JDEbug*" pid 3094
state:run> #<buffer "*JDEbug*"> comint-output-filter
jde-dbs-debugger([object jde-dbs-debugger "JDEbug" "JDEbug"
"*JDEbug*" #<buffer "*JDEbug*"> #<process
"*JDEbug*" pid 3094 state:run> comint-output-filter nil])
apply(jde-dbs-debugger [object jde-dbs-debugger "JDEbug" "JDEbug"
"*JDEbug*" #<buffer "*JDEbug*"> #<process
"*JDEbug*" pid 3094 state:run> comint-output-filter nil])
(setq rval (apply (car ...) newargs))
(let ((scoped-class ...)) (setq found t) (setq rval (apply ... newargs)))
(if (car lambdas) (let (...) (setq found t) (setq rval ...)))
(while lambdas (if (car lambdas) (let ... ... ...)) (setq lambdas (cdr lambdas)))
(let ((rval nil) (found nil)) (while lambdas (if ... ...) (setq lambdas ...)) (if (not
found) (signal ... ...)) rval)
(let ((newargs nil) (mclass nil) (lambdas nil) (eieio-generic-call-methodname method)
(eieio-generic-call-arglst args)) (setq newargs args) (if (object-p ...) (setq mclass
...)) (if (not scoped-class) (setq lambdas ...)) (if mclass (setq lambdas ...)) (if (not
scoped-class) (setq lambdas ...)) (if mclass (setq lambdas ...)) (if (not scoped-class)
(setq lambdas ...)) (if mclass (setq lambdas ...)) (let (... ...) (while lambdas ... ...)
(if ... ...) rval))
eieio-generic-call(jde-dbs-debugger-start ([object jde-dbs-debugger "JDEbug"
"JDEbug" "*JDEbug*" #<buffer "*JDEbug*"> #<process
"*JDEbug*" pid 3094 state:run> comint-output-filter nil]))
jde-dbs-debugger-start([object jde-dbs-debugger "JDEbug" "JDEbug"
"*JDEbug*" #<buffer "*JDEbug*"> #<process
"*JDEbug*" pid 3094 state:run> comint-output-filter nil])
#<compiled-function nil "...(12)" [jde-db-debugger "JDEbug"
jde-bug-debug-app jde-db] 2 ("/dan/.xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/jde/jde.elc" .
-28651) nil>()
Dan Ola Holmsand