Change to tracker configuration
5 years, 9 months
Stephen J. Turnbull
Hello, XEmacs users,
I'm finally bringing the issue tracker ( into the
21st century. The server is now configured to server over HTTPS,
using a Let's Encrypt certificate. Currently no SSL protocols are
configured, while TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 are accepted.
Over time I will try to upgrade the TLS version (ie, refuse TLS 1.0
and then TLS 1.1), as they are known to be weak. When I do, I'll make
a similar announcement.
Old URLs should continue to work, being redirected from HTTP on port
80 to HTTPS on port 443.
Feel free to report any problems to xemacs-beta(a) or to me
personally at stephen(a)
Associate Professor Division of Policy and Planning Science Faculty of Systems and Information
Email: turnbull(a) University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Problem with time package
5 years, 11 months
Mats Lidell
The xemacs/time-1.17 package has a problem with that the customized variable display-time-show-icons-maybe is declared and referenced in comments but all use of it has been removed.
It was introduced with commit:
This is maybe related to the comment "time.el (display-time-can-do-graphical-display): Removed.". From a quick look it seems like it was the only place where it was used. Since it is defined and is mentioned in comments it gets confusing if the intent was to drop the functionality or if some use case was missed when doing the change.
See ttps://
%% Mats
21.5 build time segmentation fault
5 years, 11 months
Mats Lidell
I have received this bug report,, which is about a segmentation violation during the build process of xemacs 21.5.34. I managed to recreate the problem once(!) on one of my machines but after that I have not been able to get it again, sigh, although I have tried it a like 20 times or more.
I can't see that we have had this issue on the build bot either which uses the same machine I got the error on and does a lot of builds!?
Aidan: Have you seen anything like this? (With a hope that some recent development you have done has touched and fixed things that could cause segmentation violations in this old code base!?)
%% Mats
Including "vc-fossil.el" in vc?
5 years, 11 months
Hauke Fath
I nave been banging a bit on vc-fossil.el from
and got it to work with Xemacses "slightly-older vc.
Provided there is interest: What would be the procedure to include the
fuke with the XEmacs vc?
The ASCII Ribbon Campaign Hauke Fath
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/\ No Word docs in email TU Darmstadt
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