Full_Name: Greg Jumper
OS: Solaris 8 alpha
Version: 21.1.6
mule: no
severity: Aggravating
Submission from: (NULL) (
With the advent of the package system in XEmacs 21.1, the file
auto-save.el moved from the "packages" subdirectory of the old lisp
hierarchy to the core lisp directory, where it is now loaded as
part of the default XEmacs build process; unlike past versions, you
get auto-save.el whether you want it or not.
I don't particularly like/want the added auto-save.el functionality,
so I tried
(unload-feature 'auto-save)
which "succeeds". Unfortunately, any subsequent attempt to edit a
file fails with an error about "make-auto-save-file-name" being
undefined, as the feature unload does not restore the definitions
from "files.el" (which I gather should occur if files.el "provide"d
a feature?).
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