I'm sorry, I'm being unclear again.
First, for the record, I did a straightforward `make beta; make
install'. I added the newly created bin directory to my path, typed
`xemacs &', and that invocation is still running fine; see the
X-Mailer header.
>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
Stephen> Just for the heck of it, I tried moving the installed
Stephen> hierarchy, and got what I deserved.
ms> This can't work [ ... ]
That's exactly what I meant by "got what I deserved."
However, according my understanding of something Steve Baur wrote, it
should be possible to run XEmacs with _nothing_ except the binary
itself, and at least manage the functionality of MS-Edit under DOS.
If that is a goal, then crashing just because it can't find any
packages, or even core Lisp, is not acceptable. Steve?