I received 2 different mails from David Funk <david(a)jna.com.au> with
some strange stuff in the headers field as displayed by Gnus. Here's the
interesting part (which fucks up my nnmail-split-fancy settings):
| Subject: Re: Problem with fonts under NT
| In-Reply-To: <3704E713.41A17482(a)tardis.ed.ac.uk>
| X-Gnus-Mail-Source: file:/var/mail/verna
| Message-ID: <Pine.BSF.4.05.9904051444270.16285-102000(a)janis.jna.com.au>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="0-1384043991-923287964=:16285"
| Sender: owner-xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org
| Precedence: bulk
| X-Mailing-List: <xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org>
| This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
| while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
| Send mail to mime(a)docserver.cac.washington.edu for more info.
| Xref: metheny.enst.fr mime:2
| Lines: 806
As you can see, there's some text under the X-Mailing-List field.
Didn't we have a similar problem a while ago ? I think David's MTA is more
likely to mess up with the message and add this piece of text by itself.
David, could you investigate on this ?
/ / _ _ Didier Verna
- / / - / / /_/ / E.N.S.T. INF C201.1 mailto:vernaļ¼ inf.enst.fr
/_/ / /_/ / /__ / 46 rue Barrault Tel. (33) 01 45 81 73 46
75634 Paris cedex 13 Fax. (33) 01 45 81 31 19