David, consider this a bug report. ;-)
>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Pofahl
<stefan.pofahl(a)zsw-bw.de> writes:
Stefan> Hello out there, I have some problems with the func-mode
Stefan> together with AUCTeX. When I put:
Stefan> (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'fume-setup-buffer)
Stefan> in my init.el, the key bindings of AUCTeX for LaTeX mode
Stefan> don't work.
Yeah. But is it just the font-setting commands, or are the
environment insertion commands, etc, broken too? For me it's just the
font commands.
The problem is that AUCTeX is broken. It wants to grab C-c C-f
for the function TeX-font, which then explicitly reads a keystroke to
choose the font.
Since none of them conflict with the func-menu bindings, it would be
possible to share if AUCTeX let Emacs handle its bindings, but since
C-c C-f is bound to a function, it is shadowed by the prefix used by
the minor mode.
If you can live without func-menu, you could try
(defun polatexly-correct-fume-setup-buffer ()
(unless (memq major-mode '(latex-mode tex-mode))
(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'polatexly-correct-fume-setup-buffer)
That will still lose if you explicitly do latex-mode after finding a
Alternatively, you could do
(define-key TeX-mode-map [(control c) (control v)] #'TeX-font)
(use C-c C-h in LaTeX-mode to find out what keystrokes are available
for the binding; I picked C-c C-v because it's physically close, but
you might find that annoying).
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