Maybe these instructions for checking out alternative branches could
be added to <
>I would like to download the latest XEmacs 21.2 from
>the CVs repository, but I do not know how. Following
>the instructions from just
>gives me the latest stable release, that is,
>XEmacs 21.0.
>Any help?
>What is the tag for release 21.1? The CVS command checkout -rr21-1-1 didn't
>work, but -r21-1-0 fetched a bunch of stuff. Did I get the right stuff?
The right answer to both of these questions as well as similar questions is
'cvs status -v ChangeLog' (or some other file) and look for the right
branch tag. Then do something like this:
cvs -z3 update -P -d -r <the name you found>
-P to get rid of any empty directories, -d to check out any new directories,
-r to get the right branch.
>Try this in the top level directory:
>cvs -z3 update -Pd -A -r release-21-2
Er, not quite right :-) You don't want that '-A' in there, it means
'move me over to the main branch'. '-r release-21-2' does the right
- Tor