Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>>>>"Martin" == Martin McClure
<martin.mcclure(a)> writes:
Martin> I see that someone is working on this, but thought you
Martin> might want confirmation that this is being seen
Martin> elsewhere. I've seen this twice in the few days since I
Martin> moved to 21.5-b14. This one was on a mouse click. I'm
Martin> afraid that the surprise of the crash completely wiped my
Martin> short-term memory of what I was clicking on or why.
Thank you for the report. A quick look at your backtrace suggests
stack corruption, so we will probably not be following up this
particular report, but rather concentrating on similar ones. However,
if you remember any context, or it recurs, please let us know!
Thanks for looking into it.
The problem did recur, on Thursday afternoon. It was getting in the way
of things I needed to get done, so I've dropped back to 21.4-13 for now.
Since when I run 21.5-b14 I seem to see this at least once a day, do let
me know if the similar reports don't give you enough information, and
I'll try to get more thorough info for you.
-Martin McClure