Huhu dear XEmacs-Developers,
I'm in close contact to Kalle form the KDE-Porject and informed him
about the discussion which is going on at moment about the qt-Subject
et al. He asked me to send you this forward.
----- Forwarded message from Kalle Dalheimer <kalle(a)> -----
From: Kalle Dalheimer <kalle(a)>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 21:33:37 +0200 (CEST)
To: Stefanie Teufel <s.teufel(a)>
Subject: Re: [ograf(a) Re: Projects ideas]
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wmperry(a) (William M. Perry) writes:
> > - Gnome and/or KDE integration
> It's a fundamental flaw in their design if they cannot deal with
> applications that are not written using their specific toolkit. Not having
> session management in kwm just because XEmacs doesn't use Qt is really
> lame. Or has that been fixed?
From the very first implementation of session management, kwm
contained a session management proxy for applications that don't
support the X11R6 session management protocol.
Nope. And I won't do it, cause I had epileptic seizures after I
browsed the
source of KDE (and part of the Qt docu) in search of their DnD protocol (they
use a version 0 OffiX). But this might come from my natural aversion against
code written is this language.
I want KDE to do DnD with XEmacs (who knows OffiX already), but KDE can't find
the window of XEmacs, cause Qt hides the windows from KDE (in QMouse events)
and so it has to do the search on it's own... (same problem as the session
stuff, kwm does not know XEmacs).
You can get easily at the X window by calling winId() on the
QWidget. Feel free to ask me anything about Qt you might need to know.
Kalle Dalheimer Contract programming for Unix
kalle(a) Technical writing
kalle(a) Technical editing
kalle(a) KDE Developer (MFCH)
mdalheimer(a) It's open, it's source, it runs - must be KDE!
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