Ar an t-ochtú lá de mí Eanair, scríobh Pete Forman:
Sorry to have ignored you :-( .
I've just updated from 21.5.17 to 21.5.28 on XP native using the
pre-built binary kit. I found that clicking on links no longer opened
them in my external browser. A simple illustration in *scratch* is:
(mswindows-shell-execute "open" "")
21.5.17 successfully opens the page in my external browser. 21.5.28
gives the following error:
Process error: Running ShellExecute, "The system cannot find the file
specified. ", "open", ""
Ben Wing put his hand up for this in a message of 2005-10-20:
So a workaround is to set mswindows-shortcuts-are-symlinks to nil.
Links now work.
Another example that needs the workaround is:
(mswindows-shell-execute "explore" "c:")
Could you do a #'report-xemacs-bug from a build of XEmacs that definitely
exhibits this behaviour? I’ve tried to reproduce it with both a Cygwin and a
native build on Windows XP, but I can’t manage it;
(mswindows-shell-execute "open" "")
always gives „Zugriff verweigert“, which would be whatever the Windows
phrasing for “permission denied” is--independent of the value of
mswindows-shortcuts-are-symlinks--as does your second example. However,
(mswindows-shell-execute "open" "C:\\")
always works for me.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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