At 2006-03-21 21:46 +1100, Malcolm Purvis wrote:
>>>>> "Pete" == Pete Forman
<pete.forman(a)> writes:
Pete> Is there an option I can set to allow bigger lines?
Thank you for the bug report. I'm afraid that there isn't an
option that could be used since the maximum stack size is set at
compile time. I've submitted a patch to increase the value, which
will hopefully be checked in soon.
Thank you. There are a couple of workarounds:
1) Modify the makefile to avoid long lines in its printout.
2) Edit the *compilation* buffer to truncate or split the long lines
before calling next-error.
Pete Forman -./\.- Disclaimer: This post is originated
WesternGeco -./\.- by myself and does not represent
pete.forman(a) -./\.- opinion of Schlumberger, Baker -./\.- Hughes or their divisions.