Raymond Toy writes:
I've noticed these happening in b20 but they seem more common in
Both versions were built using a full tarball with gcc on
Solaris 2.7 using Sun's openwin and motif libraries (no stock X11R6 at
1. Every once in a while xemacs starts sucking up 100% CPU for 10-15
seconds. I see this happen most often in xemacs when I'm running
VM and GNUS. If I press C-g, I see a message that says vm-itimer
"quit" for a second or two. Nothing bad seems to happen when I do
This is probably VM activity. Check the message log and you'll
likely see a message about the "vm-flush" itimer quitting. See
the documentation for the variable vm-flush-interval to understand
why this timer exists.
2. Sometimes, my garbage collection cursor (big recycle icon)
show, even though I see many "Garbage collecting" messages in the
message area.
Any one see these?
The echo area message is an indication that XEmacs thought it
could not change the cursor. Does this usually happen just after
a frame has been created?