>>>"MS" == Michael Sperber schrieb am 12 Aug 1999
12:02:09 +0200:
>>>> "Jan" == Jan Vroonhof
<vroonhof(a)math.ethz.ch> writes:
Jan> If you have a normal package tree
(last late-packages) is
Jan> "xemacs-packages".
MS> That explains it. The pure existence of a packages directory is
MS> going to screw you here. Just zap it and you should be fine.
You mean:
"When installing packages, do that in /xemacs/lib/<spec>-packages
instead of /xemacs/lib/packages/<spec>-packages" or do you mean:
"pui folks, please modify the code ?"
If you intend the former, then the documentation has to be updated (I
think that where exactly packages will be located is only mentioned in
README.packages, which I BTW think is an omission in the
http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~schauer/ ---
"Perl was the first language to integrate the
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