>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Mincy
<jeff(a)delphioutpost.com> writes:
Jeff> On Thu, 09 Jan 2003, stephen(a)xemacs.org wrote:
>>>>>> "Bryan" == Bryan Kramer
<kramer(a)techne.ca> writes:
Bryan> I often have many frames open on many different buffers. I
Bryan> frequently close most or all but one of these
Bryan> frames. Having done this, sometimes opening a frame on a
Bryan> buffer that I have looked at before, the visible area and
Bryan> point are nowhere near where I left them when I closed the
Bryan> last frame on the buffer. I don't expect point to change
Bryan> just because I closed a frame.
> OK, that's a bug. But we need to know what modes these buffers with
> changing point are in, and it would be best if you can provide us with
> a recipe like
Jeff> If you have the same buffer in multiple frames, the point of the
Jeff> second frame will get the point of the first frame. This can be seen
Jeff> in fundamental mode.
Yes, it's because of this:
`set-window-point' is a built-in function
(set-window-point WINDOW POS)
[...] The equivalence of the selected window's point with its buffer's
point is maintained throughout XEmacs. [...]
It's brain damage, but it might cause breakage if the invariant were
taken out.
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla