Ar an t-ochtú lá déag de mí Feabhra, scríobh Stephen J. Turnbull:
Aidan Kehoe writes:
> I see this intermittently too, but in VM under 21.5, and if my
> impressionistic understanding of this is correct, only when I compile
> --without-assertions and --without-error-checking. Do you have error
> checking turned on, Stephen?
If --without-assertions is *necessary*, I would guess that the same
error is normally caught by an assertion somewhere.
It means a bug in the semantics of the assertion, then.
Come to think of it too, I think I only see this on a 64-bit box. But this
is very impressionistic, I will try to make detailed notes on it when I see
it in the future.
AFAIK, the byte-code interpreter in 21.5 is the same as in 21.4, so
it's probably the same thing.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghe, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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