>>>> "Jan" == Jan Vroonhof
<vroonhof(a)math.ethz.ch> writes:
Jan> Thanks a lot for the cooperation.
I hope mutual cooperation isn't a surprise.
Jan> Does that mean this will be in a released Emacs soon?
In Emacs 21 (for an unknown value of `soon'). Your theme support
(thanks) should be ported too when someone has the time.
Jan> The problem with this is that the whole
Jan> custom-set-*s interface seems fragile to me with regard to future
Jan> extension.
Jan> Do you think it would be a good idea to move this to keyword
Jan> arguments? Then we could specify that unknown keyword arguments must
Jan> be preserved but ignored.
That sounds reasonable to me, at least.
Jan> i.e.
Jan> (custom-set-variables
Jan> '(gnus-ignored-from-addresses "vroonhof@.*math")
Jan> '(gnus-decay-scores t nil :comment "This variable is important"!)
Jan> Is it too late to do this now? We currently only have this in beta
Jan> releases so we can still make the changes.
For us now is a good time to make such a change.