Sean MacLennan writes:
A couple of things right of the bat... what font do people use? I
the fonts are too big and look great, or are too small. I can't find an
in-between. I mainly use a laptop, so size matters ;)
I use bitstream vera sans mono-14 on an IBook G4. Gives a 32x80 main
editing window which is full-height and 2/3 width (1024x768px screen,
less about 100 vertical pixels for Max OS menubar, wm decorations, and
XEmacs menubar, toolbar, and tabs).
When I select a font using Options->Font, it doesn't do
anything. Is
this disabled under xft?
If you spell "disabled" B-R-O-K-E-N, yes. Sometimes it works,
sometimes it doesn't. The people who voted in favor of including Xft
in the main distribution didn't seem to think this matters. "Patches
If I set the font using X properties, both the Options->Font and
Options->Fontsize say "Cannot parse current font". Not really a
problem, I just wonder if this is expected,
Yes, expected.
Last, I cannot set the menubar font using:
XEmacs*menubar.font: -*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-*-80-100-100-*-*-*-*
If you configured with "--with-xft=menubars,...", you have to use the
fcFontName resource. Also, I don't think our Xft code understands
XLFDs. (I don't recall if that's a limitation of Xft or of our code.)
You need to use the Xft/fontconfig-style names.
The menubar font is too large for my liking.
Try "XEmacs*menubar.fcFontName: Bitstream Charter-8:Bold".
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