Ar an fichiú lá de mí Márta, scríobh Stephen J. Turnbull:
Giacomo Boffi writes:
> when i use vm (the mail agent) xemacs freezes very often, usually with
> no arm and even unfreezes without manual intervention, if i go, e.g.,
> to the coffe machine and back...
I believe that with Mule (at least) some operation that VM does in the
background is O(N^2) in buffer size; on a 1.8GHz AMD64 system I only
see the freezes when INBOX gets above about 60MB, but then things
rapidly get worse.
File I/O, specifically autosaves, can take a long time too if you have
many (> 10) VM folders open.
I see that on OS X, with its underperforming filesystem, but not on other
platforms (my VM use is mainly on 64-bit FreeBSD). Giacomo’s on Linux, so
that shouldn’t be it.
> aside from the bug report, is it possible to put in place an
> interim workaround?
Sorry, not at the moment, but I plan to work on this a bit in the near
future. You should try reporting on the VM channels (M-x
report-vm-bug is the way to go, I think).
It should be possible to set vm-flush-interval to nil; this will only sync
in-memory changes using the normal autosave procedure and manual saves. This
might be good enough for Giacomo.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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