Ar an seachtú lá de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Hauke Fath:
[...] I found a while ago [1] when (pkgsrc-)packaging the
then-beta/experimental/packages that the above leim-1.38 broke subsequent
xemacs package builds, i.e. I had to deinstall editors/xemacs-packages
before a successful xemacs{,-current} build.
[...] [1]
OK, I’ll look into that and fix it. Renaming the file in leim will certainly
work, but there may be a more constructive way.
At the time, I worked around the issue by downgrading to leim-1.31,
which was still available in packages/. Presumably, nothing substantial
has changed in leim-1.38, and the build problem persists.
Would it be possible to create a fallback directory (old-packages/ or
somesuch) to provide the previous release?
Possible, sure. Should we encourage this, or should we fix the issues that
prompt the need for it?
Thanks for your work and input on this!
‘As I sat looking up at the Guinness ad, I could never figure out /
How your man stayed up on the surfboard after forty pints of stout’
(C. Moore)