At 05:08 PM 4/18/99 -0400, Vin Shelton wrote:
>I can live with this, assuming 21.1 comes out (with binary kits)
>before too long. I'll do my best to make sure 21.1 comes out before
>the end of the summer. How does that sound to you, Andy?
We should do binary kits NOW. That has been my opinion since about July
last year. We are taking way too long to get 21.0 out the door and I
believe we will lose more users by not releasing binary kits than through
releasing something that has bugs in it. 21.0 is pretty good. Why do we
have to wait for 21.1? In mswindows land I would expect that there are
*currently* binary kit users in the hundreds - and this is with b60 or so.
If we don't do binary kits people will simply keep using this which is
plainly daft.
Chalk me up as one of those using the binary kit from 1-1-99.
I keep looking every week or so for a new one on, but nope,
none there.
Honestly guys, if 21.0 is released, this makes no sense.
That'd be like redhat saying version 5.2 of redhat was released, making no
cd's of it to sell, and only putting the source RPMS online.