|--==> "VB" == Vaclav Barta <vbar(a)comp.cz> writes:
VB> when I open a file with a php3 extension, my home xemacs sets the
VB> buffer mode to Fundamental; I thought there simply wasn't any PHP
VB> mode... But there is - it just doesn't load in this installation,
VB> although I do have the prog-modes package; when I try to call php-mode
VB> explicitly, it refuses to load and complaints that I don't have
VB> "speedbar" (which I probably don't). Since most
VB> modes in prog-modes (all that I tried, anyway) work OK without a
VB> speedbar (perhaps they work better with it - obviously there's nothing
VB> wrong with that), I think the PHP mode should get over a missing
VB> speedbar, too...
Perhaps. The easy answer, of course, is to install the speedbar
And if you had...
,----[ (Info-goto-node "(xemacs)Automatically") ]
| 4. Make sure you have everything you need. menu: Packages -> Add
| Required keyb: `r'
| XEmacs will now search for packages that are required by the ones
| that you have chosen to install and offer to select those packages
| also.
| For novices and gurus alike, this step can save your bacon. It's
| easy to forget to install a critical package.
Speedbar would have been installed.
|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 10D5C9C5>---|
| XEmacs - It's not just an editor. |
| It's a way of life. |