If I go into a customize buffer I see at least two problems with
balloon help.
If I get balloon help for any of the buttons "Set", "Save", etc,
the help ins in a windows style dialog box.
Any time the balloon help comes up I also get a little Windows
style dialog box with the open button from the toolbar with just
a little cut off the bottom. It as a border and top bar with the
standard window close "X". The close button changes visually if clicked
but does nothing else. The Open button floating in the middle of the
window actually causes an open dialog box to be created!
This "mini-toolbar" which is floating over the text of the customize
buffer stays around until I click somewhere else in the buffer.
The environment is W95, Cygwin, b42. The toolbar is on the left.
If I move the toolbar to the top I get slightly different behavior.
The little box that first shows up is only a few pixels wide. If
I click on it it expands to a toolbar with the first 3-1/4 buttons.
I'll try to capture a screen image if someone will refresh my memory
on how to do this unders Windows 95.