|--==> "VK" == Valdis Kletnieks <Valdis.Kletnieks(a)vt.edu> writes:
VK> Excerpt of 'make all':
VK> Wrote /home/valdis/src/xemacs-21.5/lisp/finder-inf.el
VK> So next 'make all', update-elc and update-elc-2 decide we need to
VK> compile stuff because finder-inf.el was newer than .elc. This of course means
VK> we need to undump. So then in the Makefile:
VK> update-elc-2: $(DUMP_TARGET)
VK> $(XEMACS_BATCH) -no-autoloads -l update-elc-2.el -f batch-update-elc-2
VK> $(LISP)/finder-inf.el: update-elc-2
VK> ļ¼ echo "Building finder database ..."
VK> We've undumped, so finder-inf.el needs to be rebuilt. So we rebuild it,
VK> and the next time we 'make all', we notice that we need to re-compile
VK> Lather, rinse, repeat...
Would it be better if we built the finder database _before_
byte-compiling any lisp? Do I even know what I'm talking about?
Probably not. :-)
|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 10D5C9C5>---|
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