In xemacs core beta and stable versions are marked fairly clearly,
that is, kept in separate cvs branches. There are obvious and well-
known cvs commands to obtain both beta and stable snapshot and do
whatever merging or other operations on them one pleases to. In
particular, keeping local version control branches that parallel beta
and stable versions is trivial.
With packages there also appear to be test and stable versions, but
procedures to retrieve the current test or current stable sources are
not as obvious. On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 13:06:35 -0600 Jerry James wrote:
Can't you just stick with the officially released packages?
This is one of reasons to answer "no".
Keeping parallel local branches for test and stable versions is also
non- trivial.
Please put in your `TODO' a task to create such a procedures for
packages (and maintain appropriate labels in cvs).