Uwe Brauer writes:
But can I, just for Auctex, switch to a more debian like scheme???
No, AFAIK, not possible without "fixing" the package management
libraries. They don't recognize anything but the xx.yy format.
Presumably changing this would involve patches to 21.4, 21.5, and
I would call the new release
This is fine. VM already does this. But VM has historically been
willing to cooperate with XEmacs needs (ie, a new release with XEmacs
changes in it). I doubt AUCTeX would.
And changes which would be made from our side, but not by the Auctex
11.88-a, 11.88-b
Or 11.88-I or whatsoever.
This is problematic. I don't think the package functions can handle
this at all currently.
The problem with patches to enable this is where do you stop? The
Debian scheme is gross because it tries to cater to pretty much any
upstream versioning system. For example, what if AUCTeX brown-bags
the release and decides to release 11.88-a itself? Debian's scheme
can handle that. Or if they decide to change to a 3-part scheme and
start over at 1.0.0? Debian can handle that, too.
Python has come up with official versioning guidelines (reasonably
flexible but not insanely so). But they can do that because they are
in control of their package distribution network (PyPI) and have a lot
of power over upstream packages for that reason. That's not true of
Rationale: it would the user allow to immediately recognise to
which official auctex version the official xemacs pkg would
That information is already available in M-x list-packages, i command.
I think it's preferable to improve the informational functionality of
list-packages (perhaps show upstream versions by default, and XEmacs
package versions only on demand), which would also provide the same
benefit to other packages.
I think your best solution is use auctex-11.88-pkg.tar.gz and hope you
never need the modifiers. Although I don't know what happens after
AUCTeX v11.99, which doesn't seem that far off.
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