XEmacs 21.4.10 RC2 (and older 21.4 releases) have displayed big, ugly
italic fonts for me quite some time now. Actually I've had the
following workaround in my site-start.el so long that I had almost
forgotten about the bug (?):
(setq-default try-oblique-before-italic-fonts t)
'(bold-italic ((t (:bold t :italic t))) t)
'(italic ((t (:italic t))) t))
With only the setq-default part above, big and ugly italics go away in
eg. cperl-mode, but not the startup splash screen. With that and the
weird, hacky custom-set-faces blurb (yep, redefined just as they are by
default), all italic fonts look correct.
I've attached a couple of screenshots to demonstrate the effect, one
without the above blurb installed (with-italic.png) and one with it
(with-oblique.png) along with my installation info.
I wonder if anyone else is seeing this, and if there's something that
could be done so the fonts would look good out of the box?
\/ille Skyttä
ville.skytta at