Ar an seachtú lá is fiche de mí na Samhain, scríobh Uwe Brauer:
First of all I must say that the solution I proposed
oei --> œi
causes problem because of do--> doo
So I am thinking of using good old iso-accents-mode.
However which is the symbol I should use????
That brings me to the question of how to save the œI? It seems that only
utf8 works, however as I understood form previous messages,
that symbol is within either iso-8859-15 or iso-8859-9 however when
using this coding the symbol is NOT saved!
Œ is not in ISO 8859-9 (nor is œ). It is in ISO 8859-15, but unless you’re
using recent 21.5, you’ll need to make sure that the character being input
gives the following output in the scratch buffer:
(split-char ?œ)
=> (latin-iso8859-15 61)
for it to be saved correctly using the iso-8859-15 coding system. Other
encodings (other Mule character sets) won’t work, again, unless you’re using
recent XEmacs 21.5. It may be that latin-unity will work too, even on 21.4.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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