Jens Bsdok writes:
bsdok@leonardo:~> cat .xemacs/custom.el
'(font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock)))
'(default ((t (:size "14pt" :family "Lucidatypewriter"))) t))
After exiting xemacs, and start it again, everything looks like I
never started it before.
What does the customize buffer show in the new XEmacs (ie, after the
restart)? Try M-x customize-face RET default RET ... does it reflect
the Lucidatypewriter @ 14pt setting? Or is it reset to the default
(the "factory default" is Lucidatypewriter @ 12pt I think, but your
distro may fiddle with it)? What is your default (according to "M-:
(face-font-instance 'default)") if it's not Lucidatypewriter?
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