Ar an seachtú lá is fiche de mí Eanair, scríobh Andreas Roehler:
Hi (X)Emacs folks,
as FSF assignment policy was raised again at python-mode(a),
please permit to ask you a thing I never understood:
AFAIS every Emacs-file is inspired by many, many others from the very
beginning. We see almost always a plenty of revisions with a lot of
people involved.
So how a single developer could ever declare what the assignment formula
demands? How could any person declare, he _owns_ the rights at the code,
thus assigning it.
Isn't that assignment policy driving developers in a kind of forgery?
Making them false declarations, thus having rights about them, being
everyday able to sue them for these false declarations?
Or am I simply dreaming a bad dream?
My experience and understanding of implementation of the FSF assignment
policy is that it’s fairly reasonable, at least as reasonable as it’s
possible to be; this is not to say that I agree with most of the motives
that drive it. But there’s a reasonably low number of lines of code that
require an assignment; they ask you to update them with details of your new
employers; and, while yes, there are normally many, many others who inspire
a given file or function, this is equally true of most code written for
corporations, and Intel does not pay Tony Hoare royalties every time it uses
Sebastian Freundt has a good argument that assignment on the FSF model is
not legally possible in the Bundesrepublik (if I remember things correctly);
I do not remember the details myself right now (though following his
thinking I certainly did contravene the FSF assignment policy for three
years or so, living in Germany and submitting patches from there) and he is
ridiculously busy, so he *might* get back to you and explain the details of
his understanding, but probably not. Nonetheless, lots of people resident in
Germany do sign FSF assignment forms.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghe, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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