running on Xubuntu 16.4 I'm currently still using XEmacs 21.4.22 which
is the version officially provided by Xubuntu (I have yet to have the
spare time to compile XEmacs directly from the Mercurial repository ...
Whenever I start XEmacs I receive the following warning message:
Warning: Cannot convert string
"-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
In my "~/.Xresources" file I have several fonts specified for quite a
few Xemacs resources, but I'm not using any "helvetica" font. So
assuming XEmacs is falling back to some default here for some resource I
did not specify. Since it's a bold font, it's probably for some weird
menu I'm not even using ...
In file "/etc/X11/fonts/misc/xfonts-base.alias" I found the following
variable -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
so XEmacs could also use "variable" as a default for some unspecified
If somebody could point me to the resource name associated with that de-
fault font in XEmacs, I could update my "~/.Xresources" file according-
ly, get rid of this annoying warning message, and would again be very
happy :-)