I've been compiling XEmacs for the first time on Win32 in
the last coupleof days.
It went quite OK for the most part. Here are some things that
occurred to me:
- During compilation of the C code MS compiler keeps
spitting out this warning:
D:\xemacs-21.5\nt\..\src\text.h(42) : warning C4273: 'strlwr' :
Inkonsistente DLL-Bindung. dllexport angenommen.
D:\xemacs-21.5\nt\..\src\text.h(45) : warning C4273: 'strupr' :
Inkonsistente DLL-Bindung. dllexport angenommen.
This translates to: Inconsistent DLL binding. dllexport assumed.
But compilation succeeds and XEmacs seems to be running OK.
Using depends.exe I saw that my self-compiled XEmacs exports
the two functions strlwr and strupr whereas my pre-compiled
21.4.11 does not.
- The other thing is that while I was compiling on Win2K (SP2)
I was not able to run the resulting exe on WinNT 4.0 due to
a function GetLongPathNameW that is not present in NT but is
in Win98 and Win2K. I applied the patch mentioned here
and now the exe is starting on WinNT as well.
Thanks for a great product!
Christian Schmitt