Hello all
I encounter some problems when working with Gnus under XEmacs Beta. Here
they are:
If I write a new article when running under 21.5.7 from 25. July
ISO-8859-1 is used, only if I use the Euro sign ISO-8859-15 is used, if
I reply to an 8859-1 message and use the Euro everything is send as
8859-15. This is what I want, I needed no special configuration for this
to work.
If I write a new article when running under 21.5.8 from 25. August
ISO-8859-15 is used even if the characters I use all fit into 8859-1, if
I reply to an 8859-1 message everything is always send as 8859-15.
If I write a new article when running under 21.5.9 from 24. September
ISO-8859-9 is used (it's the same as 8859-15 AFAIK) even if the
characters I use all fit into 8859-1, if I reply to an 8859-1 message
the unification is broken, Gnus wants to split the message into several
Because of this 21.5.8 is unusable for me at the moment. Latin-unity is
installed and up-to-date.
I'm running under Windows, native build, all optional libraries, all
packages installed and updated, you should find build-reports for all
three builds on the build-reports list. Gnus is CVS from yesterday but
should be innocent as everything still works with 21.5.7 (the same Gnus
was used in all three tests).
Any idea what is broken and how to fix it?
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.