>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
>>>> "Ray" == Raymond Toy
<toy(a)rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
Stephen> AFAIK packages in ~/.xemacs should be found automagically, but I
Stephen> haven't looked at the code recently to see where it thinks
Stephen> in ~/.xemacs" actually are located (it used to be
Stephen> ~/.xemacs/lisp/<package> but I thought that got changed to make
Stephen> ~/.xemacs a package hierarchy root, searching in ~/.xemacs/*-packages,
Stephen> rather than a package directory).
I guess I was not quite clear.
The package was found in ~/.xemacs automagically. The problem was
that ilisp wanted to find out where it was loaded from, so it grovels
over load-path to find some ilisp file. Unfortunately, my load-path
didn't include anything from my ~/.xemacs packages, so ilisp couldn't
really find out where it was loaded from. Instead, it got it from my
load-path which pointed to the "global" xemacs packages directory.
(Hmm, why does my load-path have that?)