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Adrian Aichner <aichner(a)ecf.teradyne.com> writes:
>>>>> "Gunnar" == Gunnar Evermann
<ge204(a)eng.cam.ac.uk> writes:
Gunnar> First of all many thanks to Adrian for doing this!
Gunnar> the "local mirror" of Kai
Gro"sjohanns's manual is out
Gunnar> of date. Why do we need a mirror anyway? Kai's server
Gunnar> is fine (well, from here in Europe at least).
Don't know. This should be fixed by the authors of these documents.
That would be
John S. Jacobs Anderson <jacobs(a)genehack.org>
I believe.
IIRC, we mirrored it because the connectivity from the US (as judged
by my connectivity from az.us) was spotty.
I'll put it on the TODO, but I'm up to my neck in various things, so
it might be awhile...
Oh, and I think I'm jacobs(a)xemacs.org, at least on this list. 8^)
Gunnar> Is Sandra our webmaster? I thought she did _only_
Gunnar> FAQ? :-) Shouldn't Adrian be listed in this somewhere?
I guess I should be listed. Probably as secondary. I'll submit a
patch if people agree.
I agree; patch yourself in. Based on the amount of work you've been
doing, you could easily be a co-primary -- you and Sandra should sort
that out.
Gunnar> - Maybe you could rephrase the "conform..."
Gunnar> somehow. It really looks like a broken script. At least
Gunnar> change the order of the sentences around. Maybe be more
Gunnar> verbose: "This HTML page has been validated using [] and
Gunnar> conforms with []".
I tried to be terse, but realize that the current wording isn't a
complete sentence and leaves room for misunderstanding.
What do others think about this?
I also find it on the ugly side, and if I didn't know better, I'd
think it was a broken script of some kind. However, I do think the
intent of indicating that we're outputting valid HTML is good.
Genpage has a hook (I forget the name) to run a script over the output
page _after_ it's been written. It might be nice to utilize that to
run a Perl (or even sed) script that detects a valid?yes:no output in
the page and replaces it with either a link to the W3C valid HTML
logo/button or an error message. By doing this, you could place the
logo or the error message anywhere in the page, so that (for example)
it could be in the footer proper.
(I know, I know, patch it myself. 8^) And I will, but it might be
awhile, as I said above.)
As an aside, Adrian, I encourage you to write up some sort of
description of what you and Martin have done in integrating Genpage,
makefiles, the Sourceforge tools, and the various parts of XEmacs into
a 'story' or 'narrative' form. I think you could easily get it
published on one of the *nix/Open Source sites, or even in one of the
*nix magazines, which might make for some nice publicity for the
XEmacs project.
I am still eager to get feedback on problems with
It would be best if people would try development work on the new site
(just small changes like you suggest in this mail) and report any
The spirit is willing, but the time is lacking. If all goes well, I'll
have a look in the next day or so. If all goes as _expected_, I'll have
a look this weekend or early next week. 8^/
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
John S Jacobs Anderson \ <URL:http://www.xemacs.org>
You'll have to pry my Emacs from my cold \ jacobs(a)xemacs.org
dead oversized control-pressing left pinky finger. -- Randal L. Schwartz
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