SL Baur <steve(a)> writes:
And another historical bit to add: I would suggest that
most of the problems I see being brought up in this
thread are due to the fact that we did all this stuff *first*!
Some of us joined the emacs camp because it was the
first windowing system you could run on a glass tty.
In a sense the world has passed us by to some extent,
in the same fashion that Microsoft Outlook has passed
by decent email systems with crap that has destroyed
the very concept it supposedly implements.
I don't think that the Emacs world of whatever flavor has been bypassed.
People more have taken a large unbelieving look and then went elsewhere.
The marketing slogan "Where do you want to go today?" in this case would
be met with "no idea, but certainly not there".
The "standard" XEmacs at work is 21.1 and 21.4 is
labeled `xemacs-beta'. :-( The FSF Emacs versions
are similar, but have backchannels where various
people can push newer versions through, just so long
as the basic IOS editing/debugging tools work.
-sb (who's gotten slammed for pushing XEmacs at work)
Depending on what "pushing" is supposed to mean, it might be a reason
for annoyance fairly independent of the pushee.
David Kastrup
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