On Sat, 04 May 2002 16:28:21 CDT, William M. Perry said:
Would adding something like --with-qt that checks for Unix/X11 by
and spits out a gigantic warning about breaking the GPL, and add another
one like --with-personal-qt that ignores it?
--with-qt is OK - but it has to roll over and die rather than just spitting
out a warning.
--with-personal-qt is a non-starter. The right way to do this and
keep rms happy is to have a --with-qt that checks we're on a GPL-qt
platform, and die horrigly if not, and make somebody who wants to
do it *anyhow* have to do some configure hacking.
For all the times I've disagreed with an rms position, I have to
concur with his take on the -with-qt.