Michael Sperber writes:
>>>>> "Heiko" == Heiko Muenkel
<muenkel(a)tnt.uni-hannover.de> writes:
Heiko> Is there a system independend
way to concatenate directories in the
Heiko> XEmacs (eg: (concat-dirs "/usr/local" "man/man1") =>
Heiko> "/usr/local/man/man1")?
Heiko> I'm asking, because I think, that without such a function code like the
Heiko> following (concat dir1 "/" dir2) will break on systems like MSDOS or
For what's worth, you shouldn't use "/", but the variable
directory-sep-char. This will solve 50% of your problems.
Michael> The startup code uses a function `paths-construct-path' which does
Michael> this kind of thing. Should it be advertised to be callable for
Michael> vanilla elisp code? (Until we have proper filename abstractions,
Michael> that is.)
I think so. It's really something that all package writers would like
to have.
/ / _ _ Didier Verna
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