Robert Widhopf-Fenk writes:
I just did a "cvs commit" on three files and got the
following error message
,----[ "Makefile" and "NEWS" did not pass the karma check ]
| **** Access denied: Insufficient Karma (|XEmacs/packages/xemacs-packages/vm)
for two file that are already in the CVS repo in the base
directory of the VM package, but a new file in a sub
directory passed the karma check ...
,----[ lisp/vm-revno.el passed the check ]
| **** Access allowed: Personal Karma exceeds Environmental Karma.
| RCS file: /pack/xemacscvs/XEmacs/packages/xemacs-packages/vm/lisp/vm-revno.el,v
The only thing I can think of that would cause this is that you have
different CVS/Root for the different directories.
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