Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 12:34 -0600, skip(a) wrote:
> Barry> From my python-mode-hook:
> Barry> (define-key py-mode-map [(meta f)] 'py-forward-into-nomenclature)
> Barry> (define-key py-mode-map [(meta b)]
>So maybe we can solve this in python-mode.el. Leave the syntax category for
>"_" alone and add (yet another) flag that rebinds M-f and M-b accordingly.
Yah, that'd be fine.
this wouldn't work for me; it's M-backspace that's driving me crazy.
btw i imagine it wouldn't be too hard to find the places that might
depend on this syntax category; they would primarily be regexps
involving \\S, \\s, \\<, \\>, or \\b, and a few others like