Mats Lidell writes:
That message wasn't there before I think. But after that there is
"hg update ... -r real"
But there is no real revision. Bug in buildbot or bad configuration?
While you're our best expert on buildbot at the moment, it's always a
good idea to post all of the log that might be relevant. Somebody
might see something that you don't. At least, that's what happens to
me when I post logs....
Ideas are welcome.
People on debian-i18n are in pain too. One partial answer was:
This is mostly likely related to the alioth migration the past
weekend. A thread about changed hostnamed and lost Access Control
Lists and stuff has emerged at debian-devel(a)l.d.o, no conclusion
has been seen yet. I am sure this will be properly resolved soon
but as it stands now it's really really messy.
A good starting point for those who want to read more:
I don't know if that URL will be of any help, but given that lots of
folks have trouble, I suppose it's possible that it will just fix
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