> "Giacomo" == Giacomo Boffi
<giacomo.boffi(a)polimi.it> writes:
Uwe Brauer writes:
> Thanks, but it did not work out, the problematic line is
> add Mod4 = Hyper_L
> [...]
> since I tried also to use the Kubuntu keyboard setting.
ciao Uwe,
Ciao Giacomo,
Multo grazie
do you use some sort of desktop environment?
Yes KDE and normally I have
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps
I desactivated it.
the following worked for me, but eventually i don't use any DE
I use US ascii keyboards
1. run "xmodmap -pke > kbstatus" to have a file that,
fed to xmodmap,
should put your keyboard in the current status, starting from any
random status
Ok I did that and tried back xmodmap kbstatus
to check.
2. edit kbstatus to have only the lines that modify the keys that
want to modify, as in (mutatis mutandis)
3. add to the end of the trimmed kbstatus the lines (again, m.m.)
clear Shift
clear Lock
clear Control
clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5
add Shift = Shift_L
add Control = Control_L
add Mod1 = Meta_L
add Mod2 = Alt_L
add Mod3 = Super_R
add Mod4 = Hyper_R
add Mod5 = Num_Lock
4. run "xmodmap kbstatus"
I did all you recommended but I encounter an error message with the
modified file!
If you don't mind I will send you my modified kbstatus file and the
error message privately.
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