Decided to try out the latest ben merge. Found out that I had this
old snippet of code in my .xemacs. Evaling this in an "src/xemacs -q"
session creates the appended backtrace.
(if (featurep 'xpm)
(set-glyph-image xemacs-logo
(concat (locate-data-directory "etc")
'global 'x))
I haven't done a make install and am just running in place. Doing a
little quick testing, I see that locate-data-directory is returning
nil. that doesn't seem right.
Lisp backtrace follows:
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (catch #<INTERNAL OBJECT (XEmacs bug?) (opaque-ptr, adr=0x825ca2c) 0x82be568>
# (unwind-protect ...)
add-spec-list-to-specifier(#<image-specifier global=((... . ...) (... . ...))
fallback=((nil . ...)) 0x2dc> ((global (... . "xemacs-icon2.xpm"))) nil)
# bind (is-valid nval how-to-add tag-set locale value specifier)
set-specifier(#<image-specifier global=((... . ...) (... . ...)) fallback=((nil .
...)) 0x2dc> "xemacs-icon2.xpm" global x nil)
# bind (how-to-add tag-set locale value property glyph)
set-glyph-property(#<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=(... ...)
fallback=(...) 0x2dc>0x2db> image "xemacs-icon2.xpm" global x nil)
# bind (how-to-add tag-set locale spec glyph)
set-glyph-image(#<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=(... ...) fallback=(...)
0x2dc>0x2db> "xemacs-icon2.xpm" global x)
(if (featurep (quote xpm)) (set-glyph-image xemacs-logo (concat ...
"xemacs-icon2.xpm") (quote global) (quote x)))
# bind (current-load-list)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (standard-output)
# bind (command-debug-status)
command-execute(eval-buffer t)
# bind (_execute_command_keys_ _execute_command_name_ prefix-arg)
# bind (command-debug-status)
# (condition-case ... . error)
# (catch top-level ...)