>>>> "David" == David Bush
<david.bush(a)adn.alcatel.com> writes:
David> I thought that I understood
where to put packages, but I
David> just updated to b40-pre2 using CVS and was disabused of
David> this conceit.
David> I had downloaded several of the package tarballs from
David> binary-packages and untar'd them into
David> /usr/local/lib/xemacs/packages. Under b38, the installed
David> xemacs found them. I just rebuilt after updating from CVS
Keyword alert! "CVS". There has consistently been a bad interaction
with CVS's default behavior and packages.
David> and now the new executable does not find the .el's when run
David> out of the build directory. Where have I turned wrong this
David> time.
Probably you haven't, CVS has.
Executive summary: remove $srcdir/packages if it exists. In the
future, use the `-P' (prune empty directories) option to `cvs update'.
Rationale: CVS usually does not delete directories: you have to do
that for yourself. But CVS will _create_ directories. In particular,
a directory $srcdir/packages. Only later does CVS realize that it is
empty, but CVS does not delete it by default.
XEmacs used to look first for ../packages, then in --package-path,
where ../packages is relative to the xemacs executable. If
../packages was found, --package-path was ignored. This was hashed
out in several long threads (I have about 300 messages in my
xemacs-path folder if you want the book-length version).
>>>> "ms" == Michael Sperber
<sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
ms> Beats me.
Pity, that. You are the only indexed documentation we have....